SHANGHAI, CHINA – 24, August, 2018 – The Kunlun Jing An today announced that it has been awarded the internationally recognized Safehotels certification. As the world’s leading company for independent hotel safety and security certification company, Safehotels helps hotels go extra mile by properly developing and validating the implementation of safety and security policies, standards and procedures. Safehotels works with and is recognized by travel industry associations, travel management companies and organizations such as UNISDR (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction).
“As the first hotel certified with the highest level in China, we feel very proud to attain the Executive Certificate from Safehotels.” said Gerd Knaust, General Manager of The Kunlun Jing An. “Safety and security is the foundation of taking care of our guests, as much as it is the key priority for Global Travel Managers and Professional Meeting Organizers for their employees when travelling on business. This award responds perfectly to their needs. The Executive Certificate confirms that our team are both aware and very well trained in the security procedures and are able to respond quickly in the rare event of an emergency.”
"Safehotels are delighted to recognize The Kunlun Jing An with the outstanding achievement Safehotels Executive Certificate. This reflects the initiative the hotel shows in ensuring safety and security is a key component of the overall guest experience in Shanghai's destination 5 star hotel." Said Andy Williams, VP Business Development and Quality Assurance at the Safehotels Alliance.
The Safehotels Executive Certificate award requires hotel to comply with more than 220 global hotel security standard elements organized within sections relating to hotel property safety and security walkthrough, process, training and organization, security and fire equipment, fire training and crisis management.
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